We’re excited about the new Kindle Vella Platform introduced in July 2021. Kindle Vella stories and essays are published one short episode at a time, each ranging from 600 to 5,000 words—and the first episodes of every Vella are free. Subsequent episodes can be unlocked using Tokens, available for purchase (about a penny per token) in bundles on the Kindle iOS app or Amazon.com. We have three Kindle Vellas on Amazon now and plan more offerings for the future.
The Howler Monkeys, written by Robert Benson, is a suspense/thriller serial story about three scientists who run afoul of a renegade group of Kokama Indians in the Peruvian wilds. All the episodes are short and leave you wanting more. Click the Monkey Face below to read the first episode.
Brush Country Rambles, written by Karen Benson, is a series of short essays that transport you to one of the most diverse environments in North America, Texas Brush Country. Karen will take you along as she “rambles” through the brush and finds plants, birds, and other creatures with fascinating life histories. Click on the Painted Bunting below to read the first essay.
Backstories, compiled and written by Robert and John Benson, are essays about people, places, events, and innovations, often with surprising twists. Some might say that we’re channeling the spirit of Paul Harvey, but his lifetime of splendid work sets a seriously high bar. Click on the Silver Dime below to read the first essay. We hope you enjoy them as much as we liked writing them.